2024-2025 School Year Anticipated Vacancies
Little Lodge Academy - Now accepting applications for the following positions.
*VPK Assistant Teacher
Apply online! Submit an online employment application below and email your cover letter/resume/DCF transcript to careers@learninglodgeacademy.com
Learning Lodge Academy - Now accepting applications for the following position(s):
*Art Teacher (part-time)
*Music Teacher (part-time)
Apply online! Submit an online employment application below and email your cover letter/resume to careers@learninglodgeacademy.com
*Learning Lodge Academy & Little Lodge Academy do not discriminate. All applicants will be screened. Select candidates will be interviewed and offered positions. Previous applicants are welcome to reapply.
Top 10 Reasons to Work at LLA
10. Competitive Pay & Benefits (starting salary $48,000)
9. Community School
8. Technology
7. Reasonable Workload
6. Teacher Collaboration
5. Unique Professional Development
4. Supportive Leaders & Firm Disciplinarians
3. Shared Decision Making
2. Professional & Collegial Colleagues
1. Positive School Culture & Climate